Appendix «IT-Enterprise.InTime» is intended to provide jobs intrashop and interplant material handling, f / f, DSE and registration information on the movements made in the IT-Enterprise mode online.Users mobile application «IT-Enterprise.InTime» get comfortable and who is always on hand tool that allows you to:& # 9; · automatically creating jobs intrashop and interplant material handling, f / f, DSE& # 9; · Promptly get jobs moving& # 9; · Backup job move& # 9; · Register a quest to move& # 9; · Register moving batches of materials, p / f, DSE issued even without a jobUsing the «IT-Enterprise.InTime» enhances the mobility of employees, speed of reaction and the efficiency of their work.Integrated use of mobile applications production unit (IT-Enterprise.MES, IT-Enterprise.InTime, IT-Enterprise.WMS) and corporate social network Hubber to monitor the progress of production will allow you to:& # 9; · significantly speed up production processes& # 9; · improve the manageability of production course